On the 22nd, 23rd and 24th March, 2022, the yearly General Assembly of the European Commission initiative BRIDGE took place online.
BRIDGE is an initiative that unites Horizon 2020 Smart Grid, Energy Storage, Islands, and Digitalisation Projects to get a structured view of cross-cutting issues for projects that may constitute an obstacle to innovation.
As a Horizon 2020 project focused on Energy Communities and addressing Digitalisation, Smart Grids and Energy Islands, LocalRES recently joined the BRIDGE initiative.
During the Assembly, the LocalREs project coordinator, CARTIF, had the chance to briefly present the project to a wide audience during one of the event sessions.
The BRIDGE process fosters continuous knowledge sharing amongst projects. The projects were therefore allowed to deliver together conclusions and recommendations about the future exploitation of the project results. They did it through four different Working Groups, representing the main areas of interest.
As part of this collaboration and knowledge sharing, other projects in BRIDGE were invited during the General Assembly to coach new projects. Our project team was delighted to see that eNeuron, COMPILE and E-LAND projects offered themselves to coach LocalRES! Special thanks to all of them!
At the end of the event, we have realised the great opportunity that participating in BRIDGE is: to find synergies between projects, disseminate our results, learn and work together with relevant stakeholders… We are looking forward to boost even more this already very fruitful collaboration!